020 8960 3719 info@armlondon.co.uk

 Housing Estates 


Housing Estates, Public Open Space and Amenity Area Management

ARM LondonLimited Are One Of The Uk Market Leaders In Freehold Housing Estate Management.

It is becoming increasingly the case that, after completion, local planning departments are placing the responsibility for public open space and amenity area management on the housing/estate developer. This often means the developer is then responsible for the setup and administration of a management company and service charge for the house owners to contribute towards. Early attention to the planning and set up of the management company/service charge can mean time and money savings in the long term. It is also the way to ensure your buyers received the most professional, comprehensive and economical management service, promoting more returning customers.
Developers and Residents Management Companies (RMC’s) can hand over their developments with the confidence that they are going to receive a first-class management service along with the provision of a comprehensive and efficient maintenance plan.
We have experience in successfully managing estates on behalf of several national house builders and their repeat appointment of ARM London is the mark of our reputation.
We can also ensure health and safety risk compliance giving you the peace of mind to hand your development over to a business that puts its customer’s living experience first.

Our specialist and qualified property managers have years of experience in managing the following communal amenity areas:

Public Open Space (Pos)

Whether a large acreage of meadow grass and woodland or smaller manicured shared gardens, we have a flexible management plan to ensure quality and compliance. Blue Property employ specialists in arboriculture and horticulture to deliver a tailored specification for a cost-effective long-term plan. We produce a one stop service from grass cutting to shrub pruning, replacement planting, fence installation and repairs and bespoke landscaping.


Shared Access

Our maintenance contractors will deliver a hard surface clean-up of shared/private parking, communal paths and roads ensuring your estate remains a safe and clean place to call home. We can provide litter picking, weed, and invasive plant treatments, jet washing, and many more maintenance services.


Street Lighting Management

From meter readings and paying suppliers to light bulb changes and LED upgrades, we’ll take care of your installations and we’re light years ahead of the competition.


Drainage Management

Years of managing SUD’s (sustainable drainage systems) in the built environment has given us the edge in ensuring monitoring and maintain everything from surface runoff drains, swales, infiltration basins, filter trenches, soakaways, and retention basins, all of which can reduce floods and improve the environment we live in.


Play Area and Parks

Management of areas intended for use by children requires experience and a conscientious approach to health and safety. With years of experience in this field and specialist risk advisors at our disposal we can ensure play areas and parks are fun but safe. Play areas require weekly checks and frequent maintenance of apparatus (swings, slides, roundabouts etc) including; repainting and repairs, graffiti, glass and litter removal, refuse and dog waste bin collections services as well as hard and soft landscaping maintenance – all of which we can provide for you with written specifications and detailed reports at a reasonable cost.